
How Long? – Psalm 13

V11How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?How long will you hide your face from me?2How long must I take counsel in my soulAnd have sorrow in my heart for all the day? C1How long shall my enemyBe exalted over me? V23Look and answer me, O Lord my God,Light up my eyes lest I

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Blood Cries Out – Psalm 106:34-48

V134The nations they did not destroy,According to the Lord’s command,35But mingled with the heathen onesAnd learned their ways 36They worshiped others’ idols,Which became a snare to them;37They sacrificed their sons and daughtersUnto demons C138And innocent blood they shed, the blood ofTheir sons and daughters, whom they sacrificedTo Caanan’s idols, and the land wasPolluted with blood

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Shattered Fangs – Psalm 3

V11O LORD, how many are my foes!Many rise against me;2Many say now of my soul,“There is no help for him in God.” C13But you, O LORD, are a shield about me,My glory, and lifter of my head.4 I cried aloud to the LORD; he heard meFrom his holy hill. V25 I lay down, slept; I

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Dry Bones – Psalm 6

V11O Lord, rebuke me not in angerNor discipline me in your wrath2O Lord, be gracious, for I languishMy bones are troubled; heal me, Lord C13My soul, alsoIs greatly troubledBut you, O Lord –How long? V24O Lord, return, deliver my lifeAnd save me for your steadfast love5In death there is no memory of youIn Sheol who

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