Dry Bones – Psalm 6

1O Lord, rebuke me not in anger
Nor discipline me in your wrath
2O Lord, be gracious, for I languish
My bones are troubled; heal me, Lord

3My soul, also
Is greatly troubled
But you, O Lord –
How long?

4O Lord, return, deliver my life
And save me for your steadfast love
5In death there is no memory of you
In Sheol who will give you praise?

6I’m worn from moans
All night long
I flood my bed
With tears

I drench my couch with all my weeping
7My eye grows weak because of grief
It wastes away because of my foes
8Depart from me, all you who do wrong


The Lord has heard my voice of weeping
9The Lord has listened to my prayer
The Lord accepts my cry for mercy
10My enemies will all be shamed.

My foes also
Be greatly troubled
Returned, ashamed
Suddenly – in a moment


Producer: John Schindele
Songwriter: Emily Bateman

Guitar, lead vocals: John Schindele
Cello: Jason Young
Percussion: Cory Bingham
Bass: Torin Ruehle
Flute: Danika Starrhart
Piano, background vocals: Emily Bateman

Album art: Gabrielle Haven