For the Church
We at Psalter Project have a special place in our heart for the Sunday morning gathering of God’s people. Music leaders, we have two practical tools to offer.
Our monthly featured psalm is a perfect starting point for congregations unfamiliar with the psalms. Sign up to the right to get a free video, lead sheet, and short devotional at the beginning of each month.
If you’re looking for more detailed psalm selection, try our searchable index below. Discover congregation-friendly recommendations for topics, seasons, and liturgy. If you still can’t find something that fits your situation, please feel free to contact us! We are here to help.
Get monthly featured psalms:
Several suggestions are listed below to get you started. Feel free to expand on these!
And if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, contact us. We’re here to help.

A guide to which of our psalm arrangements are the easiest for your average churchgoer to learn quickly and sing corporately.

Search by the broader themes categorized by our albums.
Bitter Herbs ~ Now In Peace
Highways in our Hearts ~ The Good Life