
Blood Cries Out – Psalm 106:34-48

V134The nations they did not destroy,According to the Lord’s command,35But mingled with the heathen onesAnd learned their ways 36They worshiped others’ idols,Which became a snare to them;37They sacrificed their sons and daughtersUnto demons C138And innocent blood they shed, the blood ofTheir sons and daughters, whom they sacrificedTo Caanan’s idols, and the land wasPolluted with blood […]

Blood Cries Out – Psalm 106:34-48 Read More »

Bitter Herbs – Psalm 106:6-33

V17Our fathers did not understandYour wondrous works in Egypt’s landRemembered not your mercies great,Rebelled at the sea, at the Red Sea. 8Yet he saved them for his name’s sake,His mighty power he might make known9Rebuked the Red Sea, drying it upHe led them through depths as through desert. 10So from the foe’s hand he saved

Bitter Herbs – Psalm 106:6-33 Read More »