
How Long? – Psalm 13

V11How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?How long will you hide your face from me?2How long must I take counsel in my soulAnd have sorrow in my heart for all the day? C1How long shall my enemyBe exalted over me? V23Look and answer me, O Lord my God,Light up my eyes lest I

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The Lord’s Song – Psalm 137

V11By the waters of BabylonThere we sat and weptWhen we remembered Zion,2On the willows there we hung our harpsOn the willows hung our harps. C13For there our captors required of us songsOur tormentors called for mirthSaying, sing, oh sing for us one of Zion’s songsSing for us one of Zion’s songs V24How shall we sing the LORD’s songIn

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Dry Bones – Psalm 6

V11O Lord, rebuke me not in angerNor discipline me in your wrath2O Lord, be gracious, for I languishMy bones are troubled; heal me, Lord C13My soul, alsoIs greatly troubledBut you, O Lord –How long? V24O Lord, return, deliver my lifeAnd save me for your steadfast love5In death there is no memory of youIn Sheol who

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