
Blood Cries Out – Psalm 106:34-48

V134The nations they did not destroy,According to the Lord’s command,35But mingled with the heathen onesAnd learned their ways 36They worshiped others’ idols,Which became a snare to them;37They sacrificed their sons and daughtersUnto demons C138And innocent blood they shed, the blood ofTheir sons and daughters, whom they sacrificedTo Caanan’s idols, and the land wasPolluted with blood […]

Blood Cries Out – Psalm 106:34-48 Read More »

Settled – Psalm 37:1-11

1Don’t upset yourself because of evil men; Don’t be envious of those who do wrong. 2For they soon will fade like the grass, And they wither away like green herbs. 3Trust in the LORD; do what is good. Dwell in the land; feed upon faith. 4Delight in the LORD, and he will give you The

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Beautiful – Psalm 16

1Preserve me, O God, for in you I hide. 2Unto the LORD, I say “You are my Lord.” I have no good apart from you. 3The saints in the land are the excellent ones; All my joy is in them. 4They multiply their sorrows – Those chasing other gods. Their drink off’rings of blood I

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