Your Word – Psalm 119​:​9​-​16

How will the young keep his way pure?
He must guard it by your word.
I seek you with my whole heart;
From your commands may I not depart.

In my heart your word I hid,
So against you I won’t sin.
Blessed are you, O LORD;
Teach to me your written word

With my lips I will recount
All the judgments of your mouth
In the way you affirm I’m pleased
As in all prosperity

On your laws I meditate
Fix my eyes upon your ways
In your statutes I am glad
Your word I will not forget


Written by Emily Bateman and Derek Moore

Produced by Dave Yauk and Garden City P&P
Mixed and mastered by Daniel Wakefield
Album art by deNeale Lettering

Vocals: Clara Moore
Flute: Karen Nelson
Cello: Brighton Prescott