The Devourers – Psalm 14

1The fool says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
Corrupt, doing evil,
There is none who does good.

2The LORD looks down from heaven
On the children of man,
To see if there are any
Who understand,
Who seek after God.

3They’ve all turned aside;
Together they have become
Corrupt; none does good,
Not even one.

4Oh have they no knowledge
All the workers of wrong
Who eat up my people
As they eat up bread?
And don’t call on the LORD

5Their fear is great, for God
Is with the righteous generation
6You’d shame the plans of the poor,
But his refuge is the LORD.

7Oh that salvation for Israel
Would come out of Zion,
When the LORD restores his people,
Let Jacob rejoice!
Let Israel be glad!


Producer: John Schindele
Songwriter: Emily Bateman

Guitar, lead vocals: John Schindele
Cello: Jason Young
Percussion: Cory Bingham
Bass: Torin Ruehle
Flute: Danika Starrhart
Piano, background vocals: Emily Bateman

Album art: Gabrielle Haven