God With Us – Psalm 139

1LORD, you have searched me and known me;
2You know when I sit and when I rise up.
You discern my thoughts from a long way off;
3You search out my path and lying down.

You are familiar with all my ways;
4Before I speak, LORD, you know all that I say.
5You bind me front and back, lay on me your hand.
6Such is knowledge far too great for me—
High above where I could never reach.

7Where shall I go without your Spirit there?
Where shall I flee your presence?
8If I ascend to heaven you are there;
If I sleep in the grave you are there.

9If on the wings of the sunrise
I fly and dwell at the end of the sea,
10Even there your hand shall be leading me,
And your right hand shall lay hold of me.

11If I say, “Darkness will cover me;
The light behind me will surely be as night.”
12Even there the dark is not dark to you.
For the night is bright as in the day;
Darkness is as light, one and the same!

13For you have knit me in my mother’s womb;
You formed my inward parts.
14I will praise you for fearful, wondrous work;
Wonderful are your works, my soul knows well.

15My frame was not hidden from you,
When in the secret You wove me deep in earth.
16Your eyes looked upon my substance yet unformed.
In your book were written all my days;
They were formed when none had taken place!

17How precious are your thoughts to me, O God;
How countless is their sum.
18If I should count, still they are more than sand.
I awake, and still, I am with you.

19If only you would slay the wicked, O God!
Men of blood leave me, 20malicious, cursing enemies!
21I hate all those who hate you, LORD, detest your rising foes!
22I hate with perfect hate; they are my enemies!

23O Search me, O God, and know what’s in my heart;
Try me and know my thoughts.
24See if there be a grievous way in me;
Lead me in the way eternal.


Written by Emily Bateman and Derek Moore

Produced by Jeremy Casella
Mixed & Mastered by Jim Dineen
Art & Design: Patrick Bourckel

Vocals: Layne Victoria
Keys, acoustic guitar: Jeremy Casella
Piano, keys, programming: Blair Masters