The Good Life – Psalm 34

1I will bless the LORD continually;
At all times his praise is in my mouth.
2In the LORD my soul will boast;
Let the humble hear and celebrate.
3Magnify the LORD with me,
Together lift up his name!

4I sought the LORD; he answered me,
And from all my fears he delivered me.
5Those who look to him will shine;
Never shall their face be shamed.
6This poor man cried; the LORD heard him,
And saved him from all his woes.
7The angel of the LORD camps round,
And delivers those who fear him.

8Oh taste and see that the LORD, he is good!
Blessed is the man who in him takes refuge!
9Fear the LORD, you his saints; those who fear him have no lack.
10Young lions, they hunger and lack,
But those who seek the LORD, they lack no good.

11O come, O children, listen to me;
I will teach to you the fear of the LORD.
12Who’s the man who desires life,
Loving many days, that he may see good?
13Keep your tongue from evil things;
Your lips from speaking deceit.
14Turn from wrong, and do what’s good;
Pursue and seek after peace!

15The LORD’s eyes are on those who do right,
And his ears are inclined to hear their cry.
16But the face of the LORD is against those who do wrong,
So that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth.

17The LORD hears when righteous ones, they cry,
And saves them from all of their woes.
18The LORD will be near to the broken heart,
The crushed in spirit He saves, He saves!

19The righteous one he will have many woes,
But the LORD will save him from them all!
20He will keep all his bones; and not one of them will break.
21Affliction will slay wicked men,
And those who hate the righteous will be condemned.

22The LORD redeems his servants’ life;
None who hide in him are condemned.


Written by Emily Bateman, Derek Moore, Dave Yauk

Produced & recorded by Dave Yauk
Mixed & Mastered by Jim Dineen
Art & Design: Patrick Bourckel